Playbox’s Soronume jälkeläisluokka
Näyttelyt 2021
4.7.2021 Rantasalmi, Juta Haranen
ROP-VET, PU2 Playbox’s Golden Giant
VSP-VET, PN 3 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
PN 4 Boxwald’s Lady Isadora
10.7.2021 Ruokolahti, Tuula Savolainen
ROP, SERT Sat’elit Box Evlampiy
VSP Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
ROP-VET, PU 2 Playbox’s Golden Giant
VSP-VET, PN 2 Playbox’s Flaming diamond
EH 1 Boxwald’s Lady Isadora
25.7.2021 Kalajoki, Rade Cekic
ROP-PENTU Boxwald’s Mistletoe
PEK 2 KP Boxwald’s Lady Cinnamon
PN 3, VA-SERT, VA-CACIB à CACIB Boxwald’s Lady Isadora
ROP-VET, PN 4 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
VSP-VET, PU 4 Playbox’s Golden Giant
ERI 2 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
ERI 2 Sat’elit Box Evlampiy
14.8.2021 Äänekoski RN
Tuomari Marjo Järventölä
ROP-PENTU Boxwald’s Lady Cinnamon
ROP Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
VSP, SERT Sat’elit Box Evlampiy
ROP-VET, PN2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
VSP-VET Playbox’s Flash of the ShadowNäyttelyt 2019
13.1.2019 Lahti
ROP, ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
19.1.2019 Turku
PU2, VA-CACIB Houdini od Djevija
ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
2.3.2019 Joensuu KV
PN4, VSP-VETERAANI Playbox’s Unique
ERI3 Houdini od Djevija
3.3. 2019 Joensuu NORD
ERI3, SA Houdini od Djevija
ERI1 Boxwald’s Ice Princess
23.3.2019 Turku KV
PU3 Houdini od Djevija
ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
30.3.2019 Lahti KV
ERI 2, SA, PU2, VA-CA Houdini od Djevija
ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
EH2 Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
JUN H Boxwald’s Inferno
20.4.2019 Imatra
VSP, ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
PN 4, VA-SERT Boxwald’s Heaven only knows
ERI 2, SA Boxwald’s Almost perfect
1.5.2019 Lahti RN
VSP, ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
11.5.2019 Helsinki KV
SA, ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
18.5.2019 Rauma
VSP, SERT Boxwald’s Joe Black
30.5.2019 Kangasniemi KR
VSP Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
ROP-VET, PN2 Playbox’s Unique
30.6.2019 Raasepori
ROP-VET, PN2 Playbox’s Unique
PN4 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
3.7.2019 Mikkeli KR
ROP, ROP-VET Playbox’s Unique
PN2, SERT Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
27.7.2019 Pori KV
ROP-VET, PN2 Playbox’s Unique
EH1 Boxwald’s Joe Black
EH2 Boxwald’s High Hopes
2.8.2019 Druskininkai
ERI1, VSERT Playbox’s Unique
ERI1, SERT, LT MVA Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
ERI 1, SERT Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
3.8.2019 Druskininkai
ERI 1, SERT Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
ERI 1, SERT Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
ERI 1 VSERT, LT VMVA Playbox’s Unique
4.8.2019 Druskininkai
ERI 1, SERT, LT MVA Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
ERI1, SERT, VA-CACIB Boxwald’s Almost perfect
ERI1, VSERT Playbox’s Unique
10.8.2019 Nokia RN
ROP, ROP-VET, RYP3 Playbox’s Unique
VSP, SERT Boxwald’s Gilden Warlord
PN2, SERT Boxwald’s Edge of Glory
PU2, VA-SERT Boxwald’s Joe BlackNäyttelyt 2018
PN3, SERT Boxwald’s Edge of Glory
AVK 2 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
VET 2, SA Playbox’s Unique
VAL 3 Houdini od Djevija
21.10.2018 Panevezys, Liettua
SERT, ROP, RYP1, LT MVA, BALT MVA Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
SERT, VSP, LT MVA, EE MVA Playbox’s Golden Giant
ROP-VET, VSERT, LT VMVA Playbox’s Soronume
20.10.2018 Panevezys, Liettua
ROP, SERT, RYP2 Playbox’s Golden Giant
ROP-VET, VSERTPlaybox’s Soronume
ERI2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
ERI 2 Pandora Dell’Espinosolo
7.10.2018 Hämeenlinna
EH 1 Boxwald’s Golden Warlord
EH 1 Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
EH 1 Boxwald’s Edge of Glory
6.10.2018 Hämeenlinna
EH 2 Boxwald’s Edge of Glory
19.8.2018 Heinola
PU 2, SERT Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos
ERI 2, Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
18.8.2018 Kouvola
PN 2, VA-SERT Boxwald’s Golden Angel
11.8.2018 Raisio
PN2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
5.8.2018 Druskininkai
ERI1, SERT Boxwald’s Diamante Unica
ERI2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
ERI1, SERT Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
4.8.2018 Druskininkai
ROP, CACIB, SERT Boxwald’s Diamante Unica
ERI2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
ERI2 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
3.8.2018 Druskininkai
PN2, SERT, VA-CACIB-> CACIB Boxwald’s Diamante Unica
SERT Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
SERT Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
14.7.2018 ESR CLUB SHOW
Tuomari Marcello Marino, Di Boxerita – Kennel
ROP-jälkeläisluokka Playbox’s Soronume
(Playbox’s Flaming Diamond, Playbox’s flash of the shadow, Boxwald’s Edge of glory, Boxwald’s Almost Perfect)
Bis-Pari Liberum Avis Aut Caesar ja Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
ROP-turisti Boxwald’s Gawaine
Turisti 2 Playbox’s Troublemaker
Nuo eri 3 Boxwald’s Golden Warlord
Nuo eh 4 Boxwald’s Glittering General
Avo eri 1 PU3 Houdini od Djevija
Val eri Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo
Nuo eri 2 Boxwald’s Golden Angel
Nuo eri 3 Boxwald’s Golden Symphony
Avo eri Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
Avo eri Playbox’s Karelian Pearl
Avo eri 3 Boxwald’s Edge of glory
Avo eri 4 Boxwald’s diamante Unica
Val eri 2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
1.7.2018 Raasepori
ERI1 Boxwald’s Golden Warlord
ERI1 Boxwald’s Edge of Glory
ERI 1, SA Boxwald’s Ego First
16.6.2018 Kotka
ROP-PENTU Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
10.6.2018 Forssa
ROP,SERT Houdini od Djevija
PN 2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
VSP Lincoln Dell’ Espinosolo
PU 2, SERT Houdini od Djevija
ERI 2, SA Boxwald’s Golden Angel
ERI Boxwald’s Percival
ERI Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
PEK 3 KP Boxwald’s Heaven Only Knows
PEK 4 Kp Boxwald’s High Hopes
27.5.2018 Joensuu
VSP Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
ERI 2 Lincoln Dell’ Espinosolo
20.5.2018 Hamina
PU 2, NORD VA-SERT, SERT Houdini od Djevija
PU 3, VA-SERT Boxwald’s Ego First
ERI1 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
19.5.2018 Helsinki
PN 3, VA-CACIB Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
EH, NUK 1 Houdini od Djevija
6.5.2018 Tampere
VSP, SERT, CACIB Houdini od Djevija
ERI, AVK 3 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
5.5 2018 Tampere
PN3 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
PU 4, VA-SERT Houdini od Djevija
14.4. Vaasa KV
VSP, CACIB Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
1.4. Imatra KV
VSP, SERT, CACIB Houdini od djevija
PN 2, VA-CACIB Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
30.3. Imatra KR
ROP, SERT Houdini od Djevija
VSP Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
24.3. Lahti KV
ROP, SERT Houdini od Djevija
ERI2 Boxwald’s Dolce Amore
ERI4 Boxwald’s Ego First
4.3. Juuka RN
ROP Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo
VSP, SERTPlaybox’s Karelian Pearl
14.1. Lahti RN
ROP, SERT Houdini od Djevija
ERI1 Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
EH2 Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada
ERI2 Boxwald’s Ego First
Näyttelyt 2017
4.11.2017 Puppy-Veteran Show
ROP-TURISTIPENTU Boxwald’s Gawaine
7.11.2017 Tuulos
ERI 1 Boxwald’s First black Diamond
9.9.2017 ESR Klubshow
VSP Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo
PU 4, VSP-JUNIORI Boxwald’s Glittering General
ROP-KÄYTTÖKOIRA Dedalo Dell’Espinosolo
ERI 2 Boxwald’s Glitterin Rhett Butler
ERI 2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
EH Pandora Dell’Espinosolo
9.9.2017 Porvoo
VSP Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo
2.9.2017 Helsinki
PU 2 Lincoln Dell’Espinolo
26.8.2017 Klubsieger
EH 1 Dedalo Dell’Espinosolo
ERI Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
EH Boxwald’s Cara Christallina
PKN 4 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
EH 2 Boxwald’s Glittering Rhett Butler
PTU1 KSG’17 Lincoln Dell’Espinoslo
EH 4 Boxwald’s First Blak Diamond
ERI 1 Boxwald’s Diamante Unica
Jälk.. 1 Playbox’s Soronume
Kasv. 3 Boxwald’s
19.8.2017 Kouvola
EH 1 Boxwald’s Ego First
EH 1 Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada
13.8.2017 Joensuu
EH 2 Dedalo Dell’Espinosolo
ERI 2 Boxwald’s Ego First
EH 3 Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada
12.8.2017 Joensuu
ERI 2 Dedalo Dell’Espinosolo
ERI 3 Boxwald’s Ego First
EH 3 Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada
28.7.2017 Helsinki KV
VSP, CACIB Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo
ERI 2 Boxwald’s Diamante Unica
9.7.2017 Raasepori
PN 3 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
PN 4, VA-SERT Boxwald’s Diavolo veste prada
ERI 2 Boxwald’s Ego First
EH 2 Playbox’s Golden Giant
8.7.2017 Mikkeli
EH 1 Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos
8.7.2017 Ylivieska
PN 3 Boxwald’s Edge Of Glory
18.6.2017 Kotka
EH 2 Boxwald’s Ego First
EH 1 Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada
17.6.2017 Pöytyä
ROP Playbox’s Golden Giant
VSP Playbox’s Flaming diamond
EH 1 Boxwald’s Ego First
EH 1 Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada
10.6.2017 SBY Erikoisnäyttely 2017 Turku
Dedalo Dell’Espinosolo BOS WORKING DOG
Boxwald’s Edge Of Glory EXL jun4
Boxwald’s Golden Angel EXL
Boxwald’s Golden Symphony EXL
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect EXL 2 CQ
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond EXL
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo EXL
Boxwald’s Breeder 2. KP
29.4.2017 Hyvinkää pentunäyttely
Boxwald’s Golden Angel ROP
Boxwald’s Golden Warlord VSP
Boxwald’s Glittering Rhett Butler PEK 2 KP
15.4.2017 Imatra KV
Boxwald’s Almost perfect BOS, CACIB , CAC
Boxwald’s Glittering Rhett Butler BOB-PUPPY
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina EXL 3
8.4.2017 Vaasa KV
Boxwald’s Dolce Amore EH 3
Lahti KV 25.3.2017
Boxwald’s Glittering Rhett Butler ROP-Pentu
Boxwald’s Diamante Unica EH 4
Boxwald’s Ego First EH 3
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina EH 3
Boxwald’s Dolce Amore H
29.1.2017 Lahti Puppy Show
Boxwald’s First Black Diamond ROP-Pentu
28.1.2017 Lahti Puppy Show
Boxwald’s Golden Angel ROP-Pentu
21.1.2017 Turku KV
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN 2, CACIB
Dedalo Dell’Espinosolo ERI 1
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect ERI 4
15.1.2017 Lahti RN
Boxwald’s Beatrice PN 3, VA-SERT
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina ERI 2Näyttelyt 2016
11.12.2016, Helsinki (Voittaja 2016)
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN 3, CACIB
Playbox’s Golden Giant ERI AVK 1
Boxwald’s Capitano Corrado ERI NUK 1
Boxwald’s Da Quanto Tempo EH JUK3
10.12.2016, Helsinki (Helsinki Winner 2016)
Playbox’s Golden Giant ERI AVK 1
laybox’s Flaming Diamond ERI VAK 2 P
Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada ERI JUK 4
Boxwald’s Capitano Corrado EH NUK 1
Boxwald’s Da Quanto Tempo EH JUK3
10.12.2016, PUPPY Show
Boxwald’s Ego First BABY 2 KP
Boxwald’s Edge of Glory BABY 3
12.11.2016, Jyväskylä
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ERI VAK 2
29.10.2016, Lahti
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos EH AVK1
2.10.2016, Hämeenlinna
Boxwald’s Blackmore Lady ERI NUK1
Puppy & Veteran show 2016
Zara de Casa los Azahares BABY 3
Boxwald’s Diamante Unica JUN ERI 3
Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada JUN EH
Boxwald`s Capitano Corrado NUK EH 1
Boxwald`s Commodoro Cinzano NUK EH 2
Boxwald`s Cara Christallina NUK ERI 1, PN 3
Boxwald’s Constanza NUK ERI 2
Tartto 6.11.2016
Dedalo dell’espinosolo PU 2 VA-CACI
5.11.2016 Tartto
Dedalo dell’espinosolo PU 2, SERT, va-CACIB –> C.I.B and EE MVA
21.8.2016 Heinola KR
Boxwald’s Da Quanto Tempo ROP-PENTU
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos PU 2, SERT
Playbox’s Golden Giant PU 3
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina PN 3, VA-SERT
Playbox’s Karelian Saga EH AVK 1
20.8.2016 Klubsieger
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo JUNIOR KLUBSIEGER 2016, PTU 4
20.8.2016 Kouvola
Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada ROP-PENTU
Boxwald’s Da Quanto Tempo VSP-PENTU
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos PU 2, SERT
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina ERI NUK 1 SA
Playbox’s Karelian Saga PN 2, VA-SERT
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ERI VAL 2 SA
13.8.2016 Raisio
Playbox’s Karelian Royal VSP, SERT
Boxwald’s Black Prince ERI, JUK 1
13.8.2016 Ristiina
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo PU2, SERT
Playbox’s Karelian Saga ERI AVK
25.8.2016 Lithuania INT
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo CAC, BM1, CACIB AND BOS
6.8.2016 Lithuania INT
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo CAC
7.8.2016 Lithuania INT
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo CAC LT MVA
30.7.2016 Pori
Boxwald’s Black Prince ERI, JUK 2
Playbox’s Karelian Royal ERI, AVK 1
16.7.2016 Orivesi
Playbox’s Karelian Saga ERI AVK 1
10.7.2016 Pärnu INT
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo BM 2, SERT, VA CACIB
10.7.2016 Kokkola KV
Boxwald’s Dolce Amore ROP-pentu
3.7.2016 Karjaa
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo ROP, SERT
Playbox’s Karelian Royal PU 2, VA-SERT
Boxwald’s Blackmore Lade EH, JUK 2
Boxwald’s Barbara H
19.6.2016 Kotka
Playbox’s Golden Giant PU 3
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN 3, VA-CACIB
12.6.2016 Erikoisnäyttely
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo ERI, JUK 2 SA
Playbox’s Karelian Express ERI
Playbox’s Karelian Royal ERI
18.6.2016 Raisio RN
Playbox’s Golden Giant BOB
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond BF2
12.6.2016 Tammela
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN 2
12.6.2016 Erikoisnäyttely
Playbox’s Karelian Royal AVO ERI
Playbox’s Karelian Express AVO ERI
Lincoln Dell’Espinosolo ERI JUK 2 SA
6.6.2016 Lahti pentunäyttely
Boxwald’s Diamante Unica ROP-Pentu
6.6.2016 Lahti RN
Dedalo Dell’Espinosolo ERI KÄK 1
28.5.2016 Iitti RN
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ROP
Playbox’s Golden Giant PU2
Dedalo dell’espinosolo PU 4, SERT
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina ERI JUK2
2.5,2016 Hamina KV
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond BOS, CACIB
Dedalo dell’espinosolo BM 4, CAC
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina BF 4, CAC
21.5.2016 Helsinki KV
Tuomari: kari Järvinen
Playbox’s Golden giant PU 2, VA-CACIB
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN 2, VA-CACIB
Boxwald’s Black Prince EH JUK1
15.5.2016 Kotka pentunäyttely
Boxwald’s Diavolo Veste Prada ROP-pentu
14.5.2016 Tuusula RN
Boxwald’s Blackmore Lady PN2, VARA-SERT
8.5.2016 Salo
Playbox’s Golden Giant ROP RYP 1, BIS 2!!!
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond VSP
30.4.2016 Tampere
Playbox’s Golden Giant PU 3
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect PN 4 Vara-SERT
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ERI, VAK 3
5.5.2016 Kangasniemi
Playbox’s Golden Giant ROP RYP 3!!!
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond VSP
Vara-SERT Playbox’s Karelian Saga PN3
Boxwald’s Beatrice EH Juk1
9.4.2016 Kankaanpää
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ROP
2.4.2016 Lahti
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN 4
Playbox’s Golden Giant ERI, AVK 2
26.3.2016 Imatra KV
Playbox’s Golden Giant, PU 2, VS-CACIB
Playbox’s karelian Pearl, PN 4, SERT
14.2.2016 Lahti RN
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN2
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect PN3, SERT
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos PU3, Va-SERT
Boxwald’s Black Swan EH Juk 2
Boxwald’s Blackmore lady H
30.1.2016 Parkano
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ROP
Playbox’s Karelian Express VSP, SERT
Playbox’s Golden Giant ERI, AVK 1
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl ERI, NUK 1
17.1.2016 Lahti
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ROP, RYP 1, BIS 2
Playbox’s Golden Giant VSP
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect PN 2, SERT
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina Jun ERI1
Playbox’s Karelian Saga Nuo ERI 2
17.1.2016 Turku KV
Playbox’s Karelian Royal PU 2, SERT, VA-CACIB
Boxwald’s Black Prince Jun ERI 2Näyttelyt 2015
18.10.2015 Rakvere
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ROP
17.10.2015 Rakvere
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond ROP
10.10.2015 Puppy & Veteran Show
Boxwald’s Capitano Corrado baby 1 KP, VSP-PENTU, PU 1, VSP
Boxwald’s Commodoro Cinzani baby 2 KP
Boxwald’s Black Prince pen 1 KP
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos eri juk 2
Boxwald’s Cara Christallina baby 1 KP
Boxwald’s Beatrice pek ei sij.
Boxwald’s Blackmore Lady pek 2 KP
Boxwald’s Black Swan pek3 KP
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect eri juk 1,ROP-JUNIORI, PN 2,
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl eri nuk 1, PN 3
Playbox’s Karelian Star eri nuk 3
ROP-Kasvattaja Boxwald’s
5.9.2015 Luige, Viro
Tuomari Jari Laakso
Playbox’s Golden Giant VSP SERT
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl ROP-Jun, JSERT PN2 EE JCH
Heinola KR 23.8.2015
VSP, SERT Playbox’s Karelian Pearl
PU 3, VA-SERT Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos
PN 3, VA-SERT Boxwald’s Almost Perfect
15.8.2015, Laukaa
Tuomari: Toni Piasentin
Playbox’s Soronume best fawn female 2
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos Best fawn junior male with CQ
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl brindle junior female 2 with CQ,
Playbox’s Karelian Saga brindle junior female 3,
Boxwald’s Beatrice brindle baby class 2
Playbox’s Karelian Royal brindle junior male 3,
Playbox’s Golden Giant fawn open class male EXL
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond fawn champion female 4 with CQ
ROP-PENTU Boxwald’s Blackmore Lady
Turku 8.8.2015
PU 2, VA-SERT Playbox’s Karelian Royal
Joensuu 8.8.2015 Int
Tuomari: Giovanni Mosca-Tenna
ROP playbox’s Unique, CACIB
PN 3 playbox’s Flaming Diamond
VA-SERTt Playbox’s Karelian Pearl
ERI 2 Playbox’s Golden Giant
Joensuu 9.8.2015 KR
Judge: Jari Laakso
ROP Playbox’s Unique
VSP Playbox’s Golden Giant
PN 2 Playbox’s Flaming Diamond
PN 4, VA-SERT Playbox’s Karelian Pearl
Mikkeli KV 26.7.2015
BOB Playbox’s Flaming Diamond, Cacib GROUP 3!!!
BOS Playbox’s Golden Giant, Cacib
BF 3 Playbox’s Karelian Saga, Cacib
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl, Re-Cacib
Pärnu 4.7.2015
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond Pn 2,Va-Cacib, Sert EE CH
Playbox’s Golden Giant Avo Eri 3
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl Jun Eh 1
27.6 Gällivaara
Tuomari: Theo Leenen, Belgia
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond VSP, CACIB –> C.I.E
6.6.2015 SBY Boksereiden Erikoisnäyttely/Boxer Speciality Show
Tuomarit: Liz and Nigel Rallings, Iso-Britannia
BOS, CAC Playbox’s Flash Of The Shadow
BM 3, Re-Cacib, BOS-junior Playbox’s Karelian Royal,
Playbox’s Karelian Express Jun Exl 3 cq,
Playbox’s Fuel For Fire Open Exl
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos Jun Vg
Playbox’s Karelian Star Jun Vg,
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond Ch Exl
Playbox’s Golden Giant Int Exl 1 Cq
Playbox’s Unique Ch Vg
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl H
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos EH
Kaikkien rotujen näyttely 5.4.2015, Imatra
Playbox’s karelian Pearl JUK 1 EH
Kansainvälinen näyttely 2.5.2015, Tampere
Playbox’s Karelian Express PU3, Va-Sert
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN3, Va-Cacib
Kansainvälinen näyttely 28.3.2015, Turku
Playbox’s Golden Giant PU2, SERT, Vara-Cacib
Playbox’s Karelian Royal ERI JUK 1 SA
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond VAL Eri
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect JUK 2 EhKansainvälinen näyttely 21.3.2015, Lahti
Playbox’s Golden Giant PU 3 VA-Sert
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond PN 3, VA-Sert8.3.2015 Kouvola Pentunäyttely
Boxwald’s Aresson Deimos PEN 1 KP, ROP-PENTU
Boxwald’s Almost Perfect PEN 2 KP
24.1 Turku
Tuomari: Eva Eriksson
PU3 Playbox’s Golden Giant Set
PN 3 Playbox’s Flaming diamond Sert
Playbox’s Karelian Royal Eri juk 2
Playbox’s Karelian Pearl Juk 1 SA
25.1.2015 Turku KV
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond VAL ERI VAK 3 SA PN 3 SERT
Playbox’s Golden Giant NUO ERI NUK 1 SA PN 3 SERT
Playbox’s Karelian Royal JUN ERI JUK 2
Playbox’s Karelian pearl JUM ERI JUK 1 SA
18.1.2015 Latvia
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond NUK ERI 1 SA PN 2
17.1.2015 Latvia
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond NUK ERI 1 SA PN 1 SERT VSP –> LV CH
11.1.2015 Lahti RN
Playbox’s Flaming Diamond VAK ERI 1 SA PN 1 SERT ROP
Playbox’s Golden Giant NUK ERI 1,
Playbox’s Karelian Express JUK EH 3